About Us


U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCAS-W), has been established at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) Jamshoro, with the financial support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Pakistan under the Cooperative Agreement signed with USAID on Dec.12, 2014 for five years. The Center is dedicatedly training and building up the capacity of a new generation of engineers and water professionals in order to solve the water security challenges of the twenty-first century.

Welcome to the U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water Alumni Portal! As an esteemed graduate of our institution, we are excited to reconnect with you and provide a platform for you to stay connected with fellow alumni, engage in professional networking, and contribute to the growth and success of our alma mater.

We are excited to have you join the Alumni Portal and be part of our vibrant alum community. Let us continue celebrating our alma mater's legacy and contributing to its future success!


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Facilitate professional networking opportunities among alums, allowing them to connect with fellow graduates from various disciplines, industries, and geographic locations. Alums can leverage this network for career advancement, mentorship, and business collaborations.


Promote engagement and involvement of alumni in institutional activities such as events, workshops, seminars, and volunteering opportunities. The portal is a platform to keep alumni informed about upcoming events and encourages active participation.

Resource Sharing

Provide exclusive access to valuable resources such as job postings, career development tools, and educational content to support alums in their professional and personal growth. Alums can also contribute their resources, expertise, and experiences to benefit fellow scholars.

Giving Back

USPCAS-W Encourage alums to give back to the Center through donations, mentorship programs, and other forms of support. The portal facilitates fundraising campaigns, alumni-led initiatives, and volunteer opportunities, allowing alums to contribute to the institution's growth and success.